Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Watering hole

Looking out from the balcony I could see a palm tree in which one palm had broken off leaving a hollow on the side. There were a couple of red ringed parakeets hanging around in that area. 

My guess is that there was some water collected in that hollow and they are using it as a watering hole. I have seen them taking turns to have a dip in it.  The setting sun gave the perfect light to make a video of it.

I captured the action amidst the cacophony of all the birds. I could identify the calls of the Koel, Crow, Sunbird, Myna, Parakeet, Red Vented Bulbul and the Kingfisher. 

(Maybe bird experts could identify some more calls)
I noticed that this Kingfisher is a local guy who does his daily routine of calling out by parking himself at different locations. You can clearly hear him even if he is sitting at a distance of hundred meters. 

While editing the video I had to make a decision where to stop as I did not want the video to be too long. Then I realised that with nature, the show goes on and it is we, humans, who are in a hurry to stop it and move on with "the next pressing matter"


Anonymous said...

I absolutely loved this. Now I know what is the call of a Kingfisher. Much earlier, I could spot the bird, but of late no. - Aiman Wordsworth

DEZMOND said...

Such lovely parrots, hope they are not annoying to the ears :)

Lorraine said...

What a lovely sound.

gigi-hawaii said...

I used to have 2 parakeets in a cage in the front of my house. Then, one day, somebody stole the cage and parakeets. That was the last time I bought any birds.

Haddock said...

@gigi-hawaii - Good that you are not buying birds anymore. Birds are better off when they are flying free in the sky.

Liz A. said...

Pretty birds.

Jim and Sandie said...

So beautiful. The birds are my symphony when I walk early in the morning.

Michelle said...

Love the birds. We have a parakeet. He is seven years old now.

Jeanie said...

You have some striking birds there. So colorful. About the closest we get are the cardinals and bluebirds and the occasional goldfinch. I'm impressed!

joeh said...

Thanks for the show! Love it.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting! Sounds of nature we take for granted. My house is full of trees, and I wake up to the sounds of it everyday. - Beena Baliappa

Anonymous said...

Wow..... so beautiful - Nooreen

Anonymous said...

Beautiful colours - Loraine Fernandez

Anvilcloud said...

Ah yes! Keeping videos down to a manageable time. I often edit, as with the recent Silly Walk video.

Anonymous said...

Joe, you should change your name from Joe Zach to Joe Zap. You zapped me with your video photography. Praise God. - Melville Almeida

Vicki Lane said...

What beautiful birds!

Anonymous said...

Superb and outstanding. Love the videos you make Joe. Keep it up. God bless you - Vernon Barretto

George said...

I think your video (and pictures) are just about perfect. I very much enjoyed hearing the bird calls.

Anonymous said...

Nice. Heard the Kingfisher sound many times, but never knew it was a Kingfisher.
Wonderful capture - Betsy Denzil

Busy Bee Suz said...

The parrots and kingfisher are brilliant looking creatures. I could listen to the birds sing all day long; thank you for sharing.

Christine said...

Lovely post capturing the beauty of nature and wildlife.

Ajay said...


Anonymous said...

As usual good job, and keep those blogs coming. Your terrace must be a real Haven for birds !! - AnnMary

Vallypee said...

Such beautiful birds and gorgeous photos, Haddock! I love the way we are now focused on what is around us so much more!

Anonymous said...

Amazing sounds, like in a forest.
Love reading your blogs. I especially loved the one on those crocheted dolls. - Sajeena Titus

Pradeep Nair said...

Very nice! Lovely shots, and the sound of nature. So invigorating.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful video -Shubhada Gokhale

Jaclyn said...

What beautiful birds! How nice to see them in the wild.

Anonymous said...

Lovely Joe. Wonderful - Punita

Anonymous said...

फारच सुंदर . पण या मागे तूझी आवड , चिकाटी , पक्षी मित्र होण्याची सगळे गुण तूज्याकडे आहेत . मस्तच - रवींद्र दरने

Arti said...

A perfect orchestra of birdsong. Beautiful photos and video. Thank you for transporting me back to India.
And thank you for visiting my blog.

Anonymous said...

That is awesome Joe - Madhav Argulkar

CAntony said...

What fun to experience and capture the definition of cacophony in real life! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

This is so amazing - Maj.Harmit Grewal

Corinne Rodrigues said...

We have a lot of birds where we live, including peacocks. But I've noticed they've increased these days. So lovely to hear them in the quiet. Your video is great. Glad you didn't cut it short.

Anonymous said...

Lovely video of the birds which otherwise would not have been noticed - Collin Patrick

Anonymous said...

Dear Joe,
Thanks for sending nice picture and a beautiful video.
Chirping of birds is very clearly captured.
Stress reliever in lock down days


R P Madiwale

Liza George said...

Wonderful pictures and sounds of the birds ..��

Anonymous said...

Wowwwwww So many parrots, and such a green natural watering hole - Anushree Chavan

messymimi said...

We are usually in too big of a hurry. The kingfisher is a beauiful bird.

Anonymous said...

Wow..amazing photos. Thanks for sharing. Kudos to your photography mastery - Dr Lawrence

DMS said...

I love birds and watch them in my yard all the time. Love the photos and the video. I can watch and listen to birds for hours. Thanks for sharing. :)

Shannon Lawrence said...

That was a delight of a video. The birds are out in force around here, and yesterday they seemed really excited about a lingering thunderstorm.

Anonymous said...

Fascinating ! Birds and animals seem to enjoy the lockdown - Shamla Mallela

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