Friday, July 28, 2017

Last day at Reading

Had been to the town square before  moving on from Reading  The high light of the day was catching the Mangor duo giving some wonderful performance. 

Did capture many tunes but I liked the Zorba Dance. Unfortunately there was no one around to dance to the tune. Their synchronization was perfect and so was their exuberance. 
There were many street singers and I noticed that the sound system they used was excellent.

There were many interesting things that caught the eye, like the Mind The Gap. On closer look I realised its something about the generation gap.

This guy was sort of dressed up, but I was wondering which watch does he check for the right time. 

And then there was the very colourful merry go round for kids.

Had some Hot Dog from the food truck parked nearby. They made it real quick and it was filling (and tasty) 

Did see a Yamaha keyboard demonstration with the experts doing a good job of showing how to hit the right notes. (captured a little in the video)

Walked into the Waterstone's  book store and it was really big, but well oraganised with a lot of collection. 

I liked some of the book covers especially this one with the early fifties look about bed manners.

On the way back home by bus I noticed that many of the shops were colourfully decorated and there were more cycles on the road. 

While in the bus I also noticed this written inside the bus. Well I am going to write to them as it was one of the best public transport systems that I have seen.

While in the book store I noticed this writing which they had put up on a small board. I agree with Fennel Hudson.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the short UK tour.
Everything is so clean and bright.
Sajeena Titus

Sandee said...

What a delightful way to spend the day. I would have enjoyed this very much. Especially the food.

Have a fabulous day. ☺

Christine said...

Thanks for sharing this fun day!

Anvilcloud said...

That was an interesting walkabout to share with us.

Blogoratti said...

Looks like a nice and fun day out, with lovely sights. Great photos!

Anonymous said...

Very nice Joe - Ajay Achrekar

Augustine Xavier said...

Thanks Joe for sharing the tour every picture is detailed. Reading your blogs is like reading a book but your pictures make me feel I am virtually there. Many thanks once again. Have a great time.

Susana Laurencia said...

Thank you for sharing good valuable information.
Nice post & I always enjoyed reading this posting.


Unknown said...

One of the four train stations on the classic Monopoly game board

padmaja said...

I had a lovely tour right here sitting at home! Pictures are interesting!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Great quote by Fennel Hudson - and so true.

Lowcarb team member said...

Lovely to see your photographs.
I always enjoy visiting Waterstones store.

All the best Jan

Unknown said...
