It's a photograph of the alumni of 1944 which was clicked in 2004. I have no idea which school or college they are from, but to be together once again after 60 years is a big achievement. (just pause and look at the expression on each one's face, and then let your imagination take you back to how that face would have looked sixty years ago)
Today is International Woman's Day. In many countries it's a national holiday (in China it's a holiday only for women )
The 1932 Soviet poster below is dedicated to the 8th of March. The text reads: "8th of March is the day of rebellion of the working women against kitchen slavery" and "Down with the oppression and narrow-mindedness of household work!".
A granny takes a penalty during a training session in Nkowankowa Township, about 600 km outside Johannesburg. World Cup fever has spread to South African grannies, with hundreds of poor, elderly women in aprons and skirts fighting for the ball in township games. Twice a week they swap domestic chores for football, donning soccer boots instead of their usual rubber sandals to play in local matches.
But the photograph that takes the cake is that of Dorothy De Low, 99, from Australia who participates in table tennis practice at the World Masters Games at Sydney Olympic Park October 15, 2009.
(All the pictures in this post has been picked from the net)
17 comments: many extraordinary women....they are a source of inspiration to us women folk...thanks for sharing :)
Awesome. Aren't we women amazing? At any age.
hats all these wonderful women only takes courage to come extra ordinary from a simple ordinary person!!!
Women at any age are very encouraging and inspiring.
Very inspiring pictures!
Nice post Haddock. It is so nice to be in a reunion and look at the happiness on those faces? Priceless!
I like that you featured women who are not famous and women who are not in their prime. They're still fabulous!
Neat post!
Wow! Some amazing moments captured.. especially the reunion photo!
A panorama with a difference, I must say. Rushed through it all at a breakneck pace...was so interested !
Loved the bit about it's only being a holiday for women in China...whaffun ! ;-)
Made me smile!
Wonderful post!! amazing pictures too!
I can imagine the joy and drive behind the effort to pursue this post... wonderful.
Comprehensive work. Very nice post.
As I grew up in the former East Bloc, the 8th of March was a big day and the Russian poster brought back some childhood memories.;)
Thank you for stopping by my place,
This picture is amazing I also got a smile when I saw that picture, because the best thing we can do is recognizing the labor women do to reach their goals.m10m
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