Saturday, January 2, 2010

The missing beak

If you see that halo above me its because I was the only one who went to church on new year’s day while others were sleeping off. Not that I am that holy holy type and I do give the Sunday services a skip at times.
When you are out of the church after the Christmas / New year service there are these little guys selling all sorts of assorted balloons
This small boy was frantically trying to keep up with the demands of the customers.
I found that most of them were rejecting this pair of birds as “one beak is missing
I offered to pick it up and he was very apologetic and said “kum diya to chalega “ (Its OK if you pay me less)
You should have seen his smile when I offered him his full 10 rupees.

Back home, I was having my morning tea when his smile floated back, and I thought why not a photograph of the bird with the missing beak and my morning cuppa tea. After all its nice to see someone with a genuine smile early in the morning on the first day of 2010.


Seepz said...

I couldn't stop but smile at the missing beak. I don't think you have to be the holy holy type to see that halo above your head. You made a kid's day on the New Year's!! I see the halo.

A very Happy New Year! :)

The Photograph - excellent!

BK Chowla, said...

Forget that,the boy must be blessing you on the ew year.

Sunitha said...

Wonderful.. you narration helps me see that smile on the kid...Happy New Year!

Dolly Sharma said...

That is such a sweet gesture. The smile on the little boy's face - priceless.

The Holy Lama said...

No better way to start a year. God bless you

Sandhya said...

The boy must have been the happiest one on the first day of the new year alongwith you! Nice photo!

ami said...

well i got a new job.. part time of cuz.. haha

Honey Bee said...

That's such a sweet gesture you did. =)
For what it's worth it, I'm proud of you!

Auntie Sondos said...

Hi! I just saw your comment on my post. As much as I need to be careful, I can't just believe that people/police can be violent unprovoked. :)

I love the way you narrate this. It's always wonderful to do one small gesture that could hugely affect someone's life, God bless you!

3 hungry tummies said...

haha happy new year!

Anuradha Shankar said...

what a wonderful way to begin the new year!!!! May this year bring you loads of happiness!!!

Smita said...

A simple gesture but it means so much :)

Happy New Year :)

Viji said...

What can be better, than putting SMILE on someone's face! Appreciate your warmth.

Have A Fabulous Year Ahead!

Unknown said...


Sara said...

I think you made that boy's day- if not year...that was such a sweet thing to do :)

Manju said...

is that a moomin on the cup?? lolzzz i used to love moomins!i think tat's a sweet gesture you made for the little boy :)

p.s. yep, one of my resolutions for this year is to grow a few cm. i'll figure something out, no worries ;) i always do haha
thanks for dropping by my blog ^_^

Shalini said...

Aww...very sweet!
Thanks for dropping by...:)

sulagna said...

ohhh i found these balloon birds on Fc road too :)

Sorcerer said...

that was sweet of you to do that :)

♥♥ tuğçe♥♥ said...

thanks for visiting ny blog u haave a nice blog plss visit anytime u want

Great Grandma Lin said...

thanks for visiting my blog. I watched the video clip and enjoyed the dancing...

Judith Ellis said...

So nice! Happy New Year, Haddock!

Insignia said...

Nice gesture. The boy would have showered blessings for your act.

Prerna said...

Just reposting something i read (and then wrote elsewhere):

Just wanted to remind you that sometimes success is better measured in smiles received, giggles heard, and hands held, than in dollars earned, deadlines met, and kilos shed.

And I must say, you've done well for yourself."

Cheers and have a Happy new year!

Julie said...

Happiness, indeed...on both parts! I love these little birdies!!! So sweet!

Anonymous said...

awww such a sweet gesture!

Gauri Gharpure said...

sweet birdies :) Happy New Year!

NG said...

that was a sweet gesture...:)

Tauseef said...

more beautiful than balloons; here was your empathy.

Sh@s said...

How sweet of you.
You made his day.
Wish u a Happy New year!!

Betty Manousos said...

What a lovely post and I just love your blog.
great photos too.
Have a great day :)

Gyaani Ginni said...

Moved. Very.

Vibhuti Bhandarkar said...

Awww thats such a touching post.
Very sweet of u to have invited me here.
I think you have already done ur random act of kindness and set the ball rolling...
Yes, it is worthwhile to make someone smile..Hope I have some good deed in my kitty soon too!
Till then TC Haddock

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