Sunday, February 9, 2025

Customer delight

"We are not talking to each other, but we don't mind posing for you" This could be one of the captions that I could think of after clicking this sunset picture at Colaba.
They were actually posing for me, because after clicking when I started walking, they too started walking with me. Sunset is a good opportunity to click good pictures, like these kids having a lively chat while the sun goes down.
While clicking I saw this lighthouse, which came into existence in  1770.  This is situated at the prong of Colaba.
When the Portuguese occupied the island of Bombay in the 16th century they built a watchtower on the Old woman's island (Colaba)
Later it was. modified into a lighthouse by the British in 1770. It was further improved in 1800 by a powerful wick lamp.This was the first major lighthouse in British India followed by one in Madras in the same year.
After many changes in the lamp, in 2008 it got its present 70 Watt metal Halide lamp.
Not much has changed in the Marinedrive area of Mumbai. Like this font from the 50s still stands as a sign board in the area.
Some of the buildings with rounded corners which I have seen in the early 60s, still stands.
The heritage structure next to Churchgate station stands in all its glory with the tricolour and the ever present yellow taxis of Mumbai justapositioned in the front. Incidentally I found that the taxis are cheaper than the Uber.
Years have gone by but the buying and selling power of this simple flower lady remains the same (not far from the Sensex office)
The bus service by BEST keeps improving as the years go by. Like they have seperate lines for gents and ladies (ladies from the front)
In the bus I was highly impressed by the conductor's interaction with the passengers, always jovial and happy, cracking a joke here and there. One lady did not know where to alight, but had the address on her phone. The conductor took the phone from her and had a look at the address. Then he opened google map on her phone and fed in the location on the map. From the route he got the stop which was closest to her destination and issued a ticket accordingly. All this with a smile. I would call this as customer delight.